Monday, 23 January 2012

brimbank is a good place to be

These artworks were made at a workshop at sunshine library.

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

We wish to acknowledge the generous support of the Brimbank Council given to this project through the Community Arts Grants Program.

a gap in love is why I run

These artworks were made during a workshop at Sunshine LIbrary.

a gap in love is why I run - by Ego

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

He Ho she mows in dough

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

I err, therefore I am

new works were made yesterday at the Sunshine Library. There was a drawing  and  writing workshop. Some people drew pictures and we made them into a book and others wrote small poems with ceramic letters

I err therefore I am, was by Terry Richard Klumpp

One says phly high was by Anh

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

drawings based on the game exquisite corpse

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

About the project

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.
If you would like your school, class or organisation to be involved
or you would like to be on our mailing list so you can be notified about events

Galley Sunshine Everywhere is a partner in this project.