Monday 7th May, we played the Exquisite Corpse game.
All of the pictures are about us, but mixed up.
The next step is to make some ceramic tiles with drawings about us on them.
Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library .
Thankyou for your support and involvement - AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere.
The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.
Have a look at Exquisite Me film made of the Sunshine College Students Portraits
The self portraits were painted onto three canvases, so that they could be swapped around to make more portraits of people, as a metaphor for shared experiences and identities.
The fabulous artists are: Aaron, Shanae, Gina, Khadija, Caitlin, Duc, Michael, Kayla, Andrew, Christine, Mohamed, Skye, Britney, Courtney, Brendonn, Chevan, Francis, Alex, Victoria, Rachel, Colin, and Emily.
Well done! You did a great job! and thanks to your teacher Mirjana Vuk-Nikic
Here is the link to the video :