Sunday, 1 April 2012

AMES Footscray - cartoons about the future

  Above: By Mohamed Ahmed
Its two pictures.
There's a river and a mother and children outside their house. They are saying, 'We need peace".
They want to cross the river.
The river is so deep and there is no bridge.
The water is coming up the river, it is so deep you can't cross.

The picture on the right is me.
I say, "The more you dream, the more you are successful".
I cross the river because they are my family.
There is a moon and a star.
Its meaning is that everything will be okay.

 Above: By  Ngun Za Sung
I drew just the beach in Australia somewhere and I added a wooden bridge. The flags show where it is safe to swim.
There are mountains. The bird flew from the mountain. It is a peace bird and it is carrying the map of Australia.
Australia is surrounded by the beautiful blue sea.

Above: by Yonas
This is about Ethiopean culture.
This is eating food with each other as a family. The second picture is how we farm in Ethiopia. The third one is the Church. The men are standing on one side and they are praying together.
I did these pictures to show about Ethiopian Life.

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

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