Monday, 11 June 2012

ardeer primary school grade five tiles

Ardeer Primary School making Exquisite Me clay tiles grade fives
The year five students of Ardeer Primary School worked with Debbie, Susie and Lil, to make a representation of themselves over three clay tiles.
The tiles will be displayed sometimes as sets of works by individuals and at other times mixed up with everybody else's to create the idea that we have some shared experiences and similarities.

Thanks to the student's who took this task very seriously and did an excellent job using the clay to make low relief sculptural effects and the liquid underglazes to paint on the colour. We were very impressed. the tiles are drying in a special room at the moment and will be fired in the school holidays.

The tiles were made out of three. It’s head the head of a mouse. The body was a green leafy tree. The legs were meant to be a dragon’s/ All of that was a part of me shown in three tiles.

I like my tiles because I’ve never done this before. I used the colours green, black, purple white and blue because I love these colours. They are awesome. I put a snake tail as my legs because I really like snakes. I did my body as a school uniform because I love school. My first tile is my head.

My first tile is a magic person called a Mage. In the second tile you can see his wings. I have painted my Mage Blue so he can be camouflaged in the sky. He is very tall to rats and spiders. My Mage is so strong he can take down a dragon and a giant.

My artwork is about me and what I love. I put my face in my artwork because I love the way I look. I put my body in it because I am wearing my school uniform and I love my school. I put my feet in it because I love going out in my garden.

My artwork is about me. I put my face in it but have short hair because I have always wanted short hair.  In my body I put my favourite top ad skirt in it. In my legs I did cat feet because I love cats.

My artwork is about me and what I like. In my artwork I found the tree and the head difficult. I enjoyed this because I love clay and paint. In my artwork it represents me, trees and a chicken. In my artwork I think I did well at doing the body and the legs.

I like my tiles because they have lots of colour.  The first tile has the face of a monster. The second tile the body of a dragon. This dragon has wings. The third tile has the legs of a plant.

My artwork is about me in the sky and me flying with the wind. I made wings, a hat and flowers. I have wiggly legs and a big body. I included lots of colours. I enjoyed doing everything and when they look at my artwork think about themselves. I found it difficult to do the wings and my head. I think I did well with the hair.

My artwork is about what I like and what I love to do. I included an elephant’s head in the first tile. The second tile is the body. I put a school uniform on because I like going to school. The last tile is the feet. I drew my favourite shoe for snow.

My tile artwork is about me. I made dots because I like dots and the reason that my head is a block is because I play a game called Minecraft.  I put two eyes on each side because I like aliens. I have enjoyed doing my tile artwork. Even though I haven’t finished, I still like my artwork.

I did the head of a werewolf because I like werewolves. I used the red, blue and green because they’re my favourite colours. My artwork represents me. I wanted people looking at the artwork to think how creative I am.

I like my tiles because they are all about me. I put a jetpack and wings because I want to fly and I put lightening because I like lightening. It was hard to make but it was fun.

 I used red and yellow because I like them together. I also did the sun because I like staying outside. I did my hair messy because it is always messy. And I also did flowers because they look nice.


My artwork is about me in heaven. I made my hair like a Mohawk, headphones, necklace, IPod touch, watch and angel wings. My favourite part is when we did the head. I included a Mohawk, angel wings and pants because it looks like me. I did well on my head. I enjoyed making my body. What I found difficult was the head. When people look at my artwork I want them to think about themselves.

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Mother of God Primary School, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

Have a look at Exquisite Me  film made of the Sunshine College Students Portraits
The self portraits were painted onto three canvases, so that they could be swapped around to make more portraits of people, as a metaphor for shared experiences and identities. 
The fabulous artists are:  Aaron, Shanae, Gina, Khadija, Caitlin, Duc, Michael, Kayla,  Andrew, Christine, Mohamed,  Skye, Britney, Courtney, Brendonn, Chevan, Francis, Alex, Victoria, Rachel, Colin, and Emily.    
Well done!   You did a great job! and thanks to your teacher Mirjana Vuk-Nikic
Here is the link to the video :

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