Sunday, 25 March 2012

secret business at Marian College

A new Exquisite Me project has started at Marian College. SSSHHHHHH! We are not telling what it is.
Here are some sneak previews of its progress.
Photographs taken by Marissa.

 This is a little collaborative artwork that we made today. Everybody chose from a series of questions, and wrote some sentences. the sentences were collaged onto this sketch of Janice. Thanks for posing Janice.
The text is:
My favourite person is Rhianna. I love her music and her fashion style.
I'm not quite sure what I will do in the future. Maybe travel and do something volunteer work because I like going to different places and helping. My favourite food is fish because I like fish. The one thing I am most scared of is the future. The most interesting thing I have ever seen is the Great Barrier Reef. In the future what I will do is get a job and live in a double storey house and have a lot of money because I like doing those things. I respect my mother because she's always working hard for us because she wants us to be happy and have a good future.
A story about someone I know:
Me and she got bored oneday so she pretended her foot was stuck in the gutter and I pretended to help her. She would pretend to cross the road and fall in.
What I want in the future is to be happily married with healthy kids and A LOT of money. ( smiley face)
My favourite activity is to play soccer, listen to music and work. I am scared of spiders and snakes.
My favourite food is chicken, salad, meat and some fruit. I'm quiet when I first meet someone then I start to open up a little more.
My favourite music is pop music.
Once I had a dream that Ryan Sheckler was trying to kill me. Then he let me hold his hand while he stabbed me in the cheek. The first time I went overseas I met more of my family. I also saw a lot of different cultures. That was a good adventure I had.

Exquisite Me is an arts project that explores the collective experiences, stories and representations of identities of young people in Sunshine and Brimbank. These experiences, stories and representations will be explored during various art and writing workshops run by  community artist Debbie Qadri. The artwork and writing will be displayed as a large collaborative work, in a number of venues in Sunshine, including Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. Some of the artwork and writing will be published in a zine format and also made into an artist’s book for the Sunshine Library. Workshops will be held at schools, community groups and at Council facilities such as the Sunshine Library . 
Thankyou for your support and involvement -  AMES ( Adult Migrant Education Services), Marian College, Ardeer Primary School, Sunshine College, Sunshine Library and  Gallery Sunshine Everywhere. 

The Exquisite Me Project and Gallery Sunshine Everywhere kindly acknowledges the support of the Brimbank City Council Community Grants Program.

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